Translating blog articles for envatotuts+
Envatotuts+ helps people to learn creative skills online and to offer their services to the world. They provide free tutorials as well as video-courses and e-books (for which you have to pay) about various topics, such as web design, code, business or photography.
Because I am always looking for ideas and information for my own photography, I find their tutorials very helpful and inspirational. Therefore, I got involved and I am regularly contributing by translating tutorials into German.
Please have a look at the following tutorials I have translated so far from English into German.
If you like to know more about envato tuts+, please follow this link.
Links to envatotuts+ articles translated by me
- How to read a photograph Wie man ein Foto analysiert
- Learning Fundamentals By Practicing Other Media, Part 1: Drawing Grundlagen mit Hilfe anderer Medien erlernen, Teil 1: Zeichnen
- Creatively approaching abstract photography Kreative Annäherung an die abstrakte Fotografie.
- 10 Tips to Get Started with Still Life Photography. 10 Tipps für Stilllebenfotografie.
- How to Make a Good-Looking Tabletop (Still Life) Photograph Wie man ein gut aussehendes Tabletop-Foto (Stillleben) erstellt.
- 5 Inspirational Still Life Images and How to Make Your Own 5 Inspirationen für Stilllebenfotos zum Nachmachen.
- Stuck in a Creative Rut? 13 Ways to Energise Your Photography Practice. Stecken Sie in einer kreativen Sackgasse? 13 Wege um Ihrer Fotografie neuen Antrieb zu verleihen.
- 5 Inspirational Flower Macro Images and How to Make Your Own. 5 Inspirationen für Blumenmakros und die Anleitung dazu.
- Finding Macro Inspiration in the Garden. Finden Sie im Garten Inspiration für Makrofotos.
- Finding Macro Inspiration at Home. Finden Sie zu Hause Inspiration für Makrofotos.
- 5 Inspirational Black and White Images and How to Make Your Own 5 Inspirationen in Schwarz-Weiß zum Nachahmen.